This is the first

It is now possible to create and read blog posts 🎉

Finally I can say that my blog is good enough to start writing posts. A really exiting start of a new year and decade. 🎉

This site is still very unfinished with a lot of quirks but a goal of the site is to teach myself how to create a site that performs really well. I have already tried to make the site perform good and it scores really well on Lighthouse and WebPageTest.

Much inspiration for how the site look and is build have been and will be taken from the following really fun and useful pages, which I really recommend taking a look at:

What is powering this site

With those pages as basis I picked some tech that will help me accomplish this. First I wanted a static site generator and for that Hugo was chosen. I have previously worked with Metalsmith and Gatbsy which I both like but I wanted something as simple as Metalsmith but I knew about the speed of Hugo and I have been wanting to try it out for a while now.

For hosting I have used Netlify because of the simplicity to set up a site static site, which is really seamless and everything is published to a CDN.

It could have been enough with only those two at the start and just write markdown files by hand in the Git-repo. But Netlify have conveniently created an open source CMS that integrates really well with static site gererators called Netlify CMS - which also can be used without Netlify. The nice thing about it is that you do not need a database because the CMS consits only of some html, css and Javascript as a layer on top of your Markdown files in your Git-repo. The downside of that is that your git log can become very cluttered with post updates but it is possible to have it in a separate repo although that is not how I am using it.

What is this site for

This site is here as a way for me to develop skills about programming I do not learn in my day job and as a way for me to be able to write down my thoughts on subjects related to programming. For the most part I will probably write about the development of this site, experiences from playing with new technology and of the drinking game I have been working on for the past year called Giving Game which is written using Elixir and Elm. So let’s see what will become of this, my goal is that I will write at least a couple of more posts this year.